Topic > Crime and the Media - 2225

If there's one thing Australian society abounds in, it's images and opinions about crime. It is the central theme that runs through many forms of communication in modern society. Whether drug crime, violence, child crime, child abduction, serial killers, youth gangs or crimes against the elderly, there is public consensus that crime is rampant, dangerous and threatening to explode. As far as crime goes, Australia is a relatively safe place to live, although perceptions of crime are often much higher. There is widespread concern that the level and type of crime reported in the media presents a distorted view of the true level of crime in the community. The reality of crime has been manipulated and covered by a constructed reality, where the most isolated and rare incidents weave a tapestry of fear, panic and hysteria. This leads to prejudice and stereotyping of certain groups, individuals who become isolated from the community due to fear of crime and the imposition of draconian measures to fight crime. Crime is seen as deviant behavior that violates prevailing norms which are the cultural standards that prescribe how humans should normally behave. Possible sanctions include violation of a law, crimes against the person, violent crimes, sexual and property crimes, resulting in injury to the person or person and a custodial or custodial sentence and/or a fine.#Media they play an indispensable role in modern life and are considered among the most powerful and inaccurate sources of social information, education and entertainment. Our mass media are electronic media (TV, film, video, video games, internet) dominated by sight, with print (newspapers, magazines)... middle of paper... holder of Criminology, Recorded Crime Rates 2003 # Ibid .# Carcach, C. 2005. Crime and Punishment in Australia, 1980-2000, in Tonry M & Farrington DP (eds), Crime and Punishment in Western Countries, 1980-1999. Chicago: University of Chicago Press:295-330# Gottfredson, M. 1986, 'Substantial contributions of victimization surveys' in Crime and Justice: An Annual Review of Research, vol 7, edited by Michael Tonry and Norval Morris, University of Chicago Press , Chicago# Barkan, 1997# Potter, G., & Kappeler, V. Constructing Crime - Perspective on Making News and social Problems (2nd edition). Griffith University Libraries.# Chappell, D.(1988) Australian Institute of Criminology, Violence, Crime and Australian Society# Davis, B., & Dossetor, B. (2010) Trends and Issues - (Mis)perceptions of Crime in Australia , Rex and Tonry 2002; Roberts & Indermaur 2009. N.396