The media is the prime suspect in why many women become anorexic and bulimic. They introduce the world to models and celebrities who have these perfect bodies that everyone adores and loves. Their bodies need to be slim, have thigh gaps, decent sized boobs and big butts, and if they have a body with anything more than that, then they are considered a disgrace and society starts judging them and looking at them differently. Women like this are the ones that most girls look at too, and most young women want their ideal body to be just like the models they see. If it's not, then they want it to be better, but that's not healthy for them, or anyone else. They think that with just a little fat on them they are the biggest person in the world. Having a mindset of wanting a body like this leads them to become obsessed with everything that goes into their bodies and wanting to let out everything that goes in, no matter how small it is. When it gets to this point is when they are labeled anorexic or bulimic. Anorexia and bulimia can be defined as eating disorders in which the person is obsessed with weight loss and goes to the extremes of purging and exercising vigorously to burn the little fat they gain from the bits of food they eat.