Topic > The meaning of emotions in Antoine's The Little Prince...

The book revolves around finding that missing piece and putting it back in place only to realize that we are not alone and to see the true beauty within and around us to us. For example, the rose told the little prince that it was one of a kind, but when the little prince arrived on earth he saw that the rose had lied to him because he had seen a bush full of roses. Only when he meets the fox does he realize that his rose is one of a kind. The fox tells him that the work and time shared with the rose are precious and no other rose could compare. The more time he spends with the little prince, Exupéry realizes that he too is being tamed by the little prince. The little prince gives him the opportunity to be himself when he was six years old. The one that wants to talk about boa constrictors, primordial forests and stars. He who wants to become a