Tradition in A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner and The Lottery by Shirley Jackson People all over the world do things for many different reasons. Religion, peer pressure, or tradition are some of the reasons why people do things. In the United States we have many traditions like Christmas. Some people have strange or uncommon traditions. The two stories ?The Lottery? and ?A Rose for Emily? both portray tradition. In "The Lottery", tradition is shown in three main ways. First, says Old Man Warner, “there has always been a lottery (Jackson 11).” The people of the town accept the lottery because there has always been a lottery. The old people of the town like Old Man Warner keep the tradition alive with their ideals. Secondly, the Lottery is held every year. The tradition is maintained in this way because it introduces younger generations to the tradition. This proves that the lottery is a tradition because traditions are repeated again and again. Finally, the tradition is demonstrated by the parifanilia used in the story of ?The Lottery?. The black box used to draw the names is a duplicate of the original. The black box is a symbol of what has been in years past. In "A Rose for Emily", the tradition is also shown in three main ways. First of all, Emily isn't being courted by anyone. This wouldn't seem like a normal tradition but in the story her father didn't want Emily to be involved with anyone. Emily's father wasn't following tradition when he did this because it was normal...