Scary movies may not be people's favorite, but once they catch a good scary movie, scary movies will become addictive. Knowing that addictions can prove to be very unhealthy for a person, living a lifestyle where simply sitting around watching television all day can become quite serious and very overrated. Once you get into an addiction, it is really difficult to get out of the addiction as it progresses in the human body. With this sign of awareness, behavioral changes will appear to occur in a person again. Violence doesn't always have to be the salvation for many things, but in the mind of an addict, violence is the only solution to everything. Repugnant actions on television contribute to a person; Likewise, a person with a television addiction will admire becoming the bully or serial killer as shown on TV. In addition to violence, the pleasure of being scared by horror films has a tendency to increase a person's adrenaline (Effects). In that matter, having a high capacity for unstoppable adrenaline flowing in the body, actions taken towards violence and addiction must be almost impossible to eliminate from a person's mind.