McAdam's writes that Trump is busy with phone calls, is restless and has little sleep day after day, which could explain his angry attitude. Some definable traits of neuroticism expressed by Trump include: angry, “uptight and often expresses negative attitudes toward colleagues,” and also being easily irritated by others. He also openly expresses his anger towards illegal immigrants, ISIS and injustice. Agreeableness is low for Trump based on his various opinions and proposed changes if he becomes president. Trump is inflexible, intolerant and generally disliked by some people. He constantly tries to blame Obama and Hillary, which constitutes his aggressive behavior, as seen in FULL SPEECH: Donald Trump Accepts Republican Nomination for President (7-21-16) Trump RNC Speech. Low conscientiousness is Trump's fourth trait. Trump scores low in this area due to his multiple business failures, which demonstrates carelessness and lack of ability to be a reliable businessman, as seen in McAdam's article. He may be a hard worker, but his way of working is ineffective,