The evolution of technology has dramatically changed society. We currently live in what is known as the technological age. As we observe our surrounding environment we see forms of technology used to complete simple everyday tasks. Technology has proven to make life easier with advancements such as the electric stove, cell phone, calculator, computer, and so much more. It has made communication easier, provided more job opportunities, and contributed effectively to the development of academia. When we talk about technology in education, the first thing that comes to mind are computers, the Internet and devices that accommodate people with disabilities. The Internet, in its simplest form, has opened students to knowledge of the world near and far. This information is at every student's fingertips with the accessibility of a computer. The placement of computers in classrooms continues to increase along with great support for technology integration in academics (Fabry & Higgs, 1997). The ways in which new technologies are used in the classroom have played an important role in expanding resources and knowledge. basis for all students. Adding technology to the classroom gives students greater understanding and a new way to learn. For example, the interactive whiteboard stimulates student understanding because it provides illustrations and visual manipulatives that allow students to see a concept in more than one way. With software like PowerPoint, Prezi, and other presentation software, teachers are able to engage students and present information in forms that students are familiar with and find interest in. When considering technology in education, we must take into account and understand how technology is impacting the......middle of paper......(National Dropout Prevention Center/Network, 2014).CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENTS students are engaged with technology (Apple Computer Inc., 2002).“We believe technology has the power to transform the classroom. It can open up new ways of thinking. New ways to stimulate ideas.” (Apple, 2014) Cory Booker, mayor of Newark New Jersey, said, “I know for a fact that you can't have a leading economy and have a lagging education system (Standford Graduate School of Business, 2011). DISCUSSION AND REACTION Technology reduces dropout rates, truancy, and motivates students to pursue higher education (Apple Computer Inc., 2002). Devices such as… can adapt to the needs of students learning technology-based education, the United States continues to review, create, implement technology in technology standards and resources (U.S. Department of Education, 2010).