Aziz and Fielding are characters seeking social acceptance. They try to find it by using each other, however, their opposite personalities prohibit this union. Aziz is cultured, poetic, emotional and quite imaginative, while Fielding is more reserved, keeps his thoughts to himself and is more concrete. This is the symbol of the relationship between England and India. When the British Raj began, the British came and, without the knowledge of the Indians, invaded the country. The Indian population was unaware of England's plans to take economic advantage of their country. While the Indians continually ask questions, the English deliberately withhold knowledge from them. This leads to many conflicts as the British Raj ruins India's natural resources and makes the average man poorer and poorer by imposing ridiculous tax rates. The town suffers and finally, on the last page of the novel, the characters have an epiphany: “[but] the horses didn't want it, they moved away; the earth didn't want him… they didn't want him, they said in hundreds of voices, “No, not yet,” and the sky said, “No, not there” (Forster 306). This passage not only reveals the existence of glaring problems, but finally opens up the possibility of positive change within the country once the British are gone. This reveals how