Topic > Comparison of Parenting Styles - 942

It can be said that most parents want their children to grow up to be active and successful members of society. Being a parent is a difficult but rewarding task. But why do some types of parenting result in juvenile delinquency while others succeed. There are four generally recognized parenting styles and they are classified: authoritative, permissive, neglectful and authoritative. This essay will analyze the various styles, their types of discipline and effectiveness. The authoritarian style of parenting is focused on control and has a militaristic approach. This parent has high expectations and requires strict obedience. They often rule by fear and punishment. Dr. Gwen Dewar states, “…Little nourishment, a lot of psychological control” (Dewar). On the author communicates that this type of parenting can involve abusive discipline that can be emotional and physical; however the writer also includes verbal abuse in the list. James was an authoritarian parent. He was in control, he was in charge and no one questioned him. He would play the role of the doting father. When his children made mistakes, he made a point of criticizing them. He often compared them to other kids who he thought were “more perfect.” When his often unexpressed expectations were not met, he screamed and screamed, scaring his entire family. “He is not the affectionate, fuzzy type, and will not inspire feelings of intimacy. But when his system works, he can boast of one thing: his recruits tend to obey” (Dewar). Research has concluded that “authoritarian parenting styles generally lead to children who are obedient and competent, but rank lower in terms of happiness, social competence, and self-esteem” (Cherry)..... middle of paper. ..... January 2011. .Iannelli, MD, Vincent. “Parenting Styles.” Pediatrics information: pediatric parenting and medical advice. December 13, 2004. Web. January 21, 2011. "Neglect: children, functioning, effects, therapy, adults, brain, skills, health, definition, effects of neglect, prevention and treatment." Encyclopedia of mental disorders. Network. January 22, 2011. .Selvon, Mike. “Child abuse and neglect have devastating effects.” Submitting Articles to Ezine - Submit your best quality original articles for massive exposure, Ezine publishers receive 25 free reprints of articles. Network. January 22. 2011. .