While Confucius was arguing with one of his disciples, “Zigong asked him about government. The Master said, 'Provide the people with adequate food, provide them with adequate weapons, make them trust their ruler.'” If the people are not well cared for or protected, then there is no one for the ruler to rule. It should be the duty of a good ruler to care for and protect his subjects as if they were his children. In addition to helping people by promoting their well-being, another way to take an active role is to protect citizens from growing threats, covering everything from riots to the Mongols. A ruler should protect his subjects from both large and small threats. Large threats include the Mongols, who could cause a war, and small threats, which include revolts. Riots are a threat because people get angry and start rioting. A riot is problematic because people are not happy and cause destruction wherever they go and potentially hurt other innocents