Topic > Gratification in the advertisement - 988

The meal can be viewed more easily than in the other advertisement, because the table is slightly larger and slightly more inclined to see what they are eating. Their meal involves a jar of olives that a man takes out with his fork, chicken, mashed potatoes, crab cakes and what appears to be cornbread or dinner bread. The men in the ad appear to dress well, only one of them is wearing a suit and tie. The man in the blue shirt keeps the two bottles of beer away from the others so as to hide them from them. He could have stolen them from the host, who could be the man in the red shirt, or whatever. The kitchen the men are in looks very different, with the coffee maker on the countertop, the refrigerator looking outdated, and the simple white pattern on the wall. The number of beers in this ad is eight, compared to nine in the other ad, and the text under the ad is simpler, with “good friends” simply “exchanging ideas.” Furthermore, the phrase “this is funny” leads to an ellipsis, because something subliminal is happening that the reader would not expect. The colors appear brighter and more vibrant, with the man's red shirt being a focal point. Just like the other ad, there is no woman