They must also be able to communicate the delivery of care and procedures to patients to ensure safe and reliable care. In a random telephone survey and chart review of patients recently admitted to an acute care hospital by Weingart, S et al; (2011), the aim of the study was to understand the extent to which patients participated in their care and how this relates to quality of care and patient safety. In this study it was found that the more involved the patient was in treatment, the more quickly the identification of an adverse health outcome was communicated and captured by the care team before this adverse health outcome occurred. With this information it can be recognized that when a patient becomes more involved in treatment, he can receive a better quality of care as it can reduce the effect of adverse events. This would also make patient hospitalization safer, as preventing adverse health outcomes or detecting earlier that a patient was deteriorating could potentially lead to the patient not being affected by the adverse health outcome and reduce the number of hospitalizations