Seniors usually gather in the morning and leave at 11am before the midday rush hour, so this will give the opportunity to organize special evenings when designing the after-school hours to encourage children and parents to visit the restaurant. It can offer discounted meals and children's activities to keep kids engaged and parents interested. This strategy will bring entire families together and will definitely increase your overall revenue. 4. What should you do about the idea of bingo? Lisa should continue to pursue the idea of bingo as a test activity and write down the results. Bingo is a great thing for seniors and will attract many more customers. Charging the $5 fee per person will be a great way to get started and test how many are willing to get involved. Gift vouchers are a win-win situation for McDonalds because the rewards will be used in the same location allowing them to keep coming back for more special offers. For the first month it should be advertised and scheduled weeks in advance so customers can make arrangements to attend. Noting the attendance and revenue raised, Lisa should also issue a survey to the senior customer asking for feedback on the event and what are other ways to do so. it's better. Receiving the feedback should help Lisa and her team make a long-term decision on planned activities for seniors, as well as children and others.