For many people who live here, the reservation is like an island to the extent that it is not possible to leave. The reality is that they're not going anywhere, but they need an escape. In the book Arnold's escape consisted of moving school; his sister runs away, getting married and moving to Montana. Even though both Arnold and his sister have given themselves different fates, the rez doesn't seem any better. For the other people stuck here on the reservation, the only escape is alcohol. Alcohol is prevalent throughout the book. Arnold says, “There are all kinds of drug addicts, I guess. We all feel pain. And we all look for ways to make the pain go away” (Alexie 107). Most people here can be considered alcoholics and the reason why they drink is to hide their pain. Even though most people living on the reservation despise their lives, it is obvious that they are depressed about their situation and the best way to overcome this depression is to drink. Alcohol affects everyone on the reservation. He does nothing but cause pain to Arnold and everyone around him. His parents drink too much, his parents' friends drink too much, and his best friends' parents also drink too much. The irony of an entire community full of alcoholics is that drinking only brings pain and death. Death by alcohol is a normal thing on the reservation. Arnold's father's best friend was killed