The film, A Beautiful Mind, tells the true story of Princeton professor John Nash's lifelong struggle with schizophrenia. The film opens with John Nash as a graduate student at Princeton. It is at this point in his life that he meets his friend Charles, who is later revealed to be a hallucination. When Nash graduates and goes to work at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Charles doesn't come with him. Instead, his hallucinations subside and he meets a woman, Alicia Larde and they soon marry. It is only when she returns to Princeton that she is reunited with Charles, who is now accompanied by his niece Marcee, also a figment of Nash's imagination. Upon his return to Princeton, Nash is invited to a secret U.S. Department of Defense facility. to the Pentagon to crack complex enemy encryption. When Nash manages to crack the code, William Parcher, a new hallucination, gives him the task of searching for patterns in the news to help foil Soviet plans and reporting his findings. Things take a terrible turn for Nash and his disorder when he is “chased by R...