Topic > The most important of the five management functions…

This type of thinking will lead to an autocratic management style. Autocratic management is one where the manager dictates all the work, there is little communication, and employees don't have an opinion. Theory Y is that employees would behave differently if treated differently by managers. This assumption favors a participatory management style. This is where managers empower employees. Theory Z, also called Japanese Management, is a combination of both. This theory will lead to a belief in collectivism and collaborative methods. H. Describe the three-step Control process and provide an example of how you would perform these activities in your HCO. The first step in control is to establish standards and expectations, then monitor and judge performance, and finally adjust standards and improve performance if necessary. At my HCO, the VA hospital, we have a bad printing problem. In the first step, managers need to ensure that the standards and expectations they set are aligned with the company's mission and what stakeholders want. As an HR manager, I would set the goals, policies and expectations to ensure that employees are caring for patients appropriately to ensure that events that would lead to bad press do not occur in the first place. For example, ensure that patients who may be suicidal do not sit in the waiting room without supervision. Onward into the passage