Topic > Sensitivity Analysis - 492

Sensitivity analysis is a technique used to determine how different values ​​of an independent variable will affect a particular dependent variable under a given set of hypotheses. The presentation describes things impacting Patton-Fuller's healthcare workforce, such as salary increases and changes in nurse-to-patient ratios. Sensitivity Analysis, Healthcare Case Study In accordance with the healthcare facility's income and expense reporting, financial ratios are decreasing. This implies that an increase in staff wages would actually lead to a decrease in net income. The financial report for the years 2008 and 2009 shows that there was an increase in expenses by a margin of 10%. To overcome this challenge, Patton-Fuller Community Hospital must work on expanding revenue sources (Patton Hospital). The Patton-Fuller community health facility should consider using electronic health records that provide clinical decision support, physician order entry, capture and query information relevant to the quality of healthcare. They should also exchange electronic health information and integrate such information from other sources (Healthcare Financial Management, 2007). Implementing the use of electronic health records (HER) would lead to accurate payments during new procedures, fewer rejected and improper claims, improved disease management, and a better understanding of health conditions and outcomes. health care (Jaynelle, 2009). Another implication could be community hospital staffing. This would imply an increase in expenses. If the facility were to forgo one of two crucial issues, facility staff would suffer. A reduction in staff would lead to a decrease in spending but would negatively affect the nurse/patient ratio. The government proposes to legislate staffing ratios, which will have a positive impact on nursing, but the Panton-Fuller healthcare facility will now have to be prepared for financial uncertainty (Jaynelle, 2009). Patients' insurance costs and the rate applied increase proportionally. Furthermore, they can try to work on low interest rates and reduce non-monetary expenses that lead to devaluation. Patton-Fuller Hospital must embrace technology to reduce costs. It is clear that the Platton-Fuller Health Facility suffers from poor revenue collection according to the 2009 financial statement. This is reflected in less income being used to increase staff numbers. This also hides the nurse-patient relationship. In the current situation, the number of staff at the facility is reduced (Patton hospital). Poor capital planning is a barrier to staffing the community health facility.