Nowadays our minds are open to different perspectives. Belonging to a religious ideology might be very important to someone, however it is not limited to it. Answering the question, “Can two sincere, educated Christians disagree on a moral issue?” in fact they can differ greatly in their ideas because the Church is not only the entity that defines their person. In relation to Church teaching, each individual should have the opportunity to choose whether to rely on traditional Church teaching, new experiences, or both. Comparing two hypothetical characters, both with equal education and belief in Christian beliefs, one may be open to the ideas of scientific progress and the other may not feel the need for dependence on new evolving ideas. Likewise, there are many issues that the holy Bible or any religion fails to understand nowadays. There are many issues regarding medical progress that the Scriptures say nothing about. Therefore, understanding these issues depends on how the individual wishes to address them. If an individual thinks she is brunette...