The word 'covenant' is, in the Old Testament, the Hebrew word 'berith' and is used many times in various texts. Some scholars argue that it is difficult to find a true meaning to the word alliances. You will hear the word covenant throughout the Old Testament. I think sometimes when we hear the word covenant only one or two covenants come to mind. There are many covenants throughout the Bible. I will try to define and explain five alliances. These five covenants are: Noahic Covenant, Abrahamic Covenant, Mosaic Covenant, Davidic Covenant and the Fifth Covenant or (New Covenant). In these particular covenants we will find the promises that God has made to his people. In this article I will try to answer the questions: which of these pacts are unconditional and which explicitly depends on the faithfulness of the human partner? I will attempt to describe and explain the Fifth Covenant and its importance to New Testament theology. The first covenant I will start with is the Noahic Covenant. The Noahic Covenant is a Covenant that many people may have heard of, because of the story of Noah and the Ark. Stephen Harris and Robert Platzner stated in The Old Testament An Introduction to the Hebrew Bible that in the Noahic Covenant that "God understands all forms of life as equally fearful, emphasizing the interrelationship between humans, animals and birds, and the earth itself ( 16). Harris and Platzner give us the definition of the Noahic Covenant, as “A bond between God and every living creature, this covenant is universal and eternal” (16). the Noahic Covenant was born Genesis 9:11-13 reads: “I establish My covenant with you: Never angry... middle of paper...nt has a special meaning but one thing for sure is that it seems like if God was the one who made the covenant and wanted man to uphold our end of the covenant. Works Cited Enns, Paul P.: The Moody Handbook of Theology, III: Moody Press, 1997, c1989Harris, Stephen L ., Platzner Robert L.: The Old Testament An Introduction to the Hebrew Bible New York, McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2003. 137-139The Holy Bible: New King James Version.Nelson, Thomas.: The Holy Bible New King James Version , Nashville, Thomas Nelson, 1982.Gordon, David: The Law Is Not of Faith: Essays on Works and Grace in the Mosaic Covenant, Abraham and Sinai Contrasted in Galatians and Bryan Estelle, JV Fesko and David VanDrunen (P&R, 2009 , pp.240-58.) Deffinbaugh, Bob: The Noahic Pact: a new beginning.