The day I attended my father's grand opening of his new business, I was overwhelmed by the diverse crowd surrounding the party. At the beginning of the party I was introduced to everyone as the owner's daughter; they all seemed normal to me; however I met this gentleman whose smile caught my attention. It turns out he is a very well-known and accomplished professor at the Stony Brook School of Dental Medicine. I started talking to him about dental school, as I was planning my future regarding what I should do, in terms of a healthcare career, whether it be medicine, dentistry, optometry, or medical research. This day was the shaping of my future. Being in my twenties, I was very impressed and could not imagine how much Dr. Baljit Moonga has achieved in his life in the field of science, medicine and dentistry. As the evening went on I began to understand how important it is to help people, “real perspective” and my future became clearer. Moonga's research has made a difference in the lives of people who suffer every day. It made a difference...