My father is a man who just turned 75 last month. He had a very active life with schedules that didn't allow him to have much free time. Throughout his life he has always divided his time between work responsibilities, family obligations and free time. Five years ago he decided it was time to rest and not work anymore. From the moment my father retired I saw how he turned into a sad and very boring person. I see how every day he loses more skills. Before he liked driving safely, now he doesn't like driving because he doesn't feel like a safe driver. He only enjoyed weekends without commitments and went to bed early because he was tired and needed sleep. He says life has changed completely since he retired. He believes that before, when he was a worker, he was better off than now as he has no obligations outside the home. Promoting healthy aging in the community should occur through participation and mobility throughout society. Seniors should use their free time with activities promoted in our community where they are encouraged to maintain a healthy lifestyle and at the same time keep them busy. Geriatrics is a good place to focus my interest in the area of geriatrics. I always thought that occupational therapy in geriatrics simply meant the handing of a ball of yarn to men and a pair of knitting needles to women. It's a fallacy that many still believe, just because someone moves their hands doesn't mean they are exercising or using their brain. For example, one of the main causes of my father's sadness is because he doesn't occupy his time properly. ......middle of paper......wellbeing. (Jengliang, 2010). Achieving healthy aging is associated with the beneficial effects of regular exercise. Regular exercise in older adults can equate to 10-20 years of rejuvenation (Andrews, 2001). In conclusion, we need to plan effective interventions to support the participation of our older adults in our community. Occupational therapists can get involved in our community and help this age group improve their lifestyle. The main aim is always to promote involvement in activities that not only promote physical activity but also activities that encourage them to use their own ideas and knowledge to meet their own needs. This will make it easier for our elders to retire, as was the case with my father. This is a good starting point to focus my interest in the area of geriatrics in the field of occupational therapy.