My parents motivated me more by taking me to their jobs and showing me what awaits me if I decide not to succeed in life or even try. When I was in elementary school my parents helped me with my homework, whatever they could, since they don't speak English. They would also ask me if I needed tutoring so they could take me or ask one of my aunts to help me. My teachers in elementary school always looked after me since I was the “new student” most of the time. They gave me advice and answered all my questions. My parents didn't praise me after every achievement, but after I received my report card. I also remember one time in third grade my mom bought me a dress to wear when I received the reward I was given. Dweck stated that students who are praised receive their self-esteem and cannot live without receiving a reward or compliment for what they do (3). I support Dweck but not completely, I liked receiving awards and being told "good job" or "you worked hard for that" but that's why I wouldn't stop trying in school if I didn't get anything in return. For the same reason I wasn't praised as much and that made me want to accomplish things for myself and not for others. No one personally hindered my motivation, it was mostly circumstances like having to wake up at 5:30 every morning to catch the bus