Humility is when someone has a modest or low view of their own importance. Humility is being humble. If you meet one of your heroes and feel nervous or in awe of him, you are experiencing humility. This means serving your people rather than insisting that they work for you. Those who spend their lives caring for others demonstrate humility. There is a quote that says “Humility is the mother of all virtues; purity, charity and obedience. It is in being humble that our love becomes real, devoted and ardent” Being humble means accepting your limitations and making an effort to make the world a better place without wanting to take all the credit. For an individual to develop humility, he cannot think that he is too good at everything he does. If you develop the thought that you are better than everyone else, people will start to resent you and want to stay away. Obviously this is not a good thing if you want to be a leader. You also want to be an optimist to expand your humility, people who practice humility are naturally optimistic because they don't waste their time complaining about all the bad things that have happened to them or fearing the