How safe do you feel when you attend school every day? Many students and teachers don't think too much about school being a dangerous place; however, after a couple of school shootings, their minds and thoughts may have changed completely. On April 16, 2007, in the town of Blacksburg, Virginia, a college student attending Virginia Tech opened fire on his classmates. This shooting was considered the largest massacre in all of American history. There are many things to discuss in this great tragedy. Some of them include the events leading up to the shooting, the timeline in which the shootings occurred, and the causes and significance of this particular shooting. Virginia Tech is just one of many examples of the horrific behavior and violence in our school systems today. To begin with, there were several events leading up to the shooting on the Virginia Tech campus. Cho Seung Hui, 23, an English graduate originally from Korea, was identified as the person responsible for the shooting (New York Times). Many students and teachers describe Cho as a very quiet and solitary person who rarely says anything. He always looked very depressed, as if someone very close to him had died. It seemed like no one really knew who he was or what he did, other than simply walking by him or seeing him in class. Cho took professor Nikki Giovanni's creative writing class and it wasn't long before she began to question some of her work (Washington Post). Cho's work seemed to be very morbid and worried some of his classmates to the point that his classmates stopped attending class because they began to be afraid of what he might be capable of. Cho's writing was so dark... in the middle of the paper... that it seems to be closer to home for the people who frequented Rend Lake. It honestly scares the hell out of me knowing that at any moment someone could start shooting random people. There have been many aspects of school shootings that need to be carefully examined. Some of these include the way people behave while attending school and, if anything is suspicious, the different models these killers seem to use, their family backgrounds and their media influences. We also need to consider what the meaning of this tragedy might be, such as what might happen again, and how comfortable we really feel with armed students and teachers. School safety everywhere should step up and put an end to school shootings before another repeat of the Virginia Tech massacre occurs and takes even more lives..