The transformations are altering some thematic concerns of the original text, while retaining much of the plot. The process of transformation requires some conscious decisions that shape and reshape meaning, and they must be justified in order to implement them. . This is explored in the BBC's "Shakespeare Re-told: Much Ado About Nothing," an adaptation of Shakespeare's original playwright's "Much Ado About Nothing." The transformations intrinsically contain traces of the author's social and cultural context. The same goes for “Much Ado About Nothing”. It incorporates comic characteristics, but retains the sense of tragedy that is linked to almost all of Shakespeare's works. Brain Percival's role as a director was to determine, understand and distinguish the social norms and social structure of society and how the themes represented in the play can be transformed into a modern text. Elizabethan society was typically a patriarchal society. Percival used and transformed certain themes and textual features to ensure the film was more appealing and evaluable to modern, critical audiences. A major concern in both the film and the original text is the "status of women". This is represented through the different roles of women and their denigration within Elizabethan society. For example, Hero is accused of committing infidelity; as a result his image in society is tarnished. On top of this, Claudio insults Hero publicly without even thinking of confirming the accusation of being immodest. This is illustrated by Claudius slandering Hero through the use of Greek mythological allusions "You look like Diana in her sphere, but you are more intemperate than Venus in y......the center of the card......or the norms social, misogynistic ideas and many other aspects of Elizabethan society. It was also changed to suit modern audiences. If the setting was more realistic, audiences would be able to relate more deeply to the events that happen in the film castle is not as realistic as the study, it was turned into a study since the use of the castle can ultimately weaken the film's appeal to modern audiences. In précis, comparing and contrasting the inclusion of certain themes and textual features,. and their transformations, the main reasons behind these alterations are clearly established. These transformations are influenced by the social and cultural context of the author, as well as the current defined social order, which is largely reflected in the BBC adaptation of Shakespeare's play, "Much ado about nothing".”.