Topic > Analysis of René Descartes on the Dream Argument

Moore states that most philosophers would think counter to his argument, when he states “You do not know for certain that you are not dreaming; it is not absolutely certain that you are not; there is some chance, though perhaps only very small, that you are. (E.Sosa, 2000) GE Moore begins his proof by amplifying what essentially constitutes an external object when well defined, which he also calls "a thing external to our mind", he states "To say of anything, e.g. body, which is external to my mind, simply means that from a proposition according to which it existed at a certain moment it in no case follows the further proposition according to which I was having an experience at that moment". external and the problem of other minds by Moore, 2008) Which in this case conditions that the external object is unique, which could occur without the professed actuality; object that could exist without being