How to exchange gifts with the JapaneseThe Japanese love to give gifts. This custom is not only practiced on special occasions, but is widely accepted as resti, a social duty and obligation. Gift giving is an accepted practice encountered every day, from bringing something to a neighbor to receiving an extra radish from the greengrocer. If you give someone a gift, you can be sure of receiving one in return. And, if you want a gift, you have to give it first. For the Japanese, gift-giving at its best is a sign of appreciation, and at its worst, a competition. When returning a gift, yours must be better and more expensive. In turn, the gift you receive will be better and more expensive than the one you gave. The value of the gifts increases progressively. While this may seem extreme to Americans, the concept of gift giving is not foreign to us. We have all given or received gifts. The Japanese simply integrate it into a part of their daily lives. Since gift giving is such an important social aspect of Japanese life, it's important to be aware of a few key aspects...