When the word “myth” is used, the term is usually related to a fable, an invention, or a fictional story. Over the years, many scholars have begun to approach the study of myth in a different way. These scholars approached myths in the way their meaning was traditionally understood. In many traditions these myths are true stories and are never considered false stories. (http://ancienthistory.about.com/cs/grecoromanmyth1/a/whatismyth.htm) In many traditions, a myth carries with it a sense of sacred tradition and primal relationship. These myths also serve as a model for the chosen tradition. Myths are extremely complex cultural realities that can be approached and interpreted from different points of view. These views are often tied to the whole of reality, and sometimes they are tied to a fragment of reality. Myths help us understand people who are different from us culturally, traditionally and socially. The myths of some traditions answer an important question: who am I? How do I fit into the human and natural world? How should I live? With the answers to this type of question, we find the first causes of the truth that a culture perceives. It gives a tradition the first understanding of humanity and the world, it also gives the understanding, in a certain tradition, of the time and space of a culture. (http://www.theosophy-nw.org/theosnw/world/general/ge-gues.htm). However, myths tell fantastic stories about how certain traditions relate to an existing society. Many of these myths begin with superhuman statures. With these superhuman statures he becomes a yardstick for behavior, morality and all the other activities that a certain society has produced. These superhuman statures refer to certain events such as King Arthur of the Round Table and his knight Loheg... in the center of the card... the god of all that is light and celestial. Izanagi's main task was to complete the creation of the world (http.www.ishwar.com/Shinto/) Work Cited "Shinto". I love GOD - Sacred texts (sacred books) of various world religions. Network. February 16, 2010. http://www.ishwar.com/shinto/."TAOISM." ReligiousTolerance.org by Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance. Network. February 15, 2010. http://www.religioustolerance.org/taoism.htm.""The truth of the myths" by Lo Guest." Northwest Theosophy, NW Branch, Theosophical Society (Pasadena). Network. February 15, 2010. http://www.theosophy-nw.org/theosnw/world/general/ge-gues.htm."What is myth? Myth versus science and religion." Ancient/Classical History - Research Guide to Ancient Greece, Rome, and the Classics. Network. February 16. 2010. .