Throughout history, humanity has encountered many obstacles. One of the main obstacles was illness. From the simple cold to the bubonic plague, viruses and diseases were once thought to be uncontrollable and deadly. Scientists have recently found a way to fight such diseases: vaccines. When administered, the weak virus contained in a vaccine is easily overwhelmed by a healthy immune system. The human body remembers the structure of the virus and is able to fight the full version. In the production of vaccines it is necessary to prevent the growth of bacteria or fungi in case the vaccine becomes accidentally contaminated, as could happen with repeated puncture of multi-dose vials (Questions and answers). Four-ninths of the 2009-2010 flu vaccine and half of the 2009-2010 H1N1 vaccine contain the preservative Thimerosal (Thimerosal in some vaccines licensed in the United States). Thimerosal is fifty percent mercury by weight (Thimerosal in vaccines). The toxicity of mercury has been known for some time. Commonly known adverse effects of mercury are Minamata disease resulting from contaminated fish or grains, pink disease resulting from mercury in teething powders, and Mad Hatter's disease. More recently, Thimerosal has been purportedly linked to autism spectrum disorders. A miniature covert war has broken out between U.S. government health officials and the Coalition for Mercury-Free Drugs, or CoMeD. Both sides admit the dangers of mercury, but have taken different positions on the safety of vaccines currently offered and alleged links to ASD. Primarily, ASD is believed to arise from a genetic predisposition. The American Medical Association admits that the cause is unconfirmed, but claims that the cause is mainly genetic because tests show a prevalence of auto...... half of the paper ...... produced for the US market. ..contains no or only trace amounts of Thimerosal” (Questions and Answers). Today's vaccinated children have a better chance of becoming a mermaid than of becoming autistic thanks to Thimerosal. In fact, not being vaccinated places a greater risk on our children. It is frightening to imagine that an eradicated disease such as polio, rubella or smallpox would reappear simply because a misinformed parent did not know that Thimerosal-free vaccines were available for children. Talking to doctors isn't just a slogan for commercials for bad drugs. Talking to a trusted family doctor or pediatrician is disastrous for the health of our children. The safety and security of our country and our planet depends on how we pave the way for our children. Immunizing them safely provides protection from life's most vile and easily preventable obstacles.