Topic > . It is important for an organization to be open to change because the needs of its employees may change. This may require an organization to reform some of its policies, working conditions, personal involvement and attitudes. These potential changes might seem like more trouble than they're worth. However, these changes will benefit a company as they will help maintain employee satisfaction and foster a more productive workforce. Job satisfaction is an important issue to address within a workforce because it ensures that the care and value of employees is taken into consideration. If the company is committed to making its employees happy with their work, this will produce positive results. This includes having more people want to work for the company, employees will want to stay longer, increased productivity, and the company will gain an exceptional reputation. When employee satisfaction is not addressed, the... middle of document......d February 7, 2014 from: 1477173989/ abstract/D D9C6F0686C347BBPQ/6?accountid=11530Kosteas, Vasilios D. (2011). Job satisfaction and promotions. Industrial Relations (Berkeley). Retrieved February 7, 2014, from: Satisfaction. (2009). In BUSINESS: the definitive resource. Retrieved from atisfaction/0Victor, J. (2012). Employee satisfaction and work involvement in 2012. Alessandria: Society for the Management of Human Resources. Retrieved from andRegulations/Documents/12-0537 2012_JobSatisfaction_FNL_online.pdf