But the decision isn't necessarily based on doctors' willingness to do so, it's the law doctors must follow if it were up to Keller not to put elderly patients on life support. Health care workers fear legal consequences if they don't do everything in their power to prolong life. Bill Keller states: “I have been criticized by the Catholic Church in the name of life” (Moran np) for centuries now the Catholic Church has been on the side against the prolongation of the process of death. In 1957, Pope Pius XII wrote: “it is unnatural to prevent death in cases where there is no hope of recovery when nature calls for death, there is no doubt that the life support system can be removed.” Even with that said, Moran can't necessarily do anything about it because it's his job and he has to do what he's told otherwise legal action will be taken. Even though Moran is against prolonging life, even when he was faced with losing his father at a young age as a child, he still knew that prolonging life is