Topic > The Importance of Unemployment - 1063

Money is God. No one can live without money because everyone needs money to survive. As the world becomes more competitive, people struggle to find jobs and the unemployment rate continues to rise. People tend to pursue more challenging careers. There is only one way to get money: work. It is one of the most important factors in human being. People earn money from work and each job is distinctive in terms of emolument. It is a major problem that makes many people want to quit their jobs and find better jobs. However, if they have no money or are unable to work for any reason, this could have a big impact on the country because the rate of unemployed workers is continuously increasing. Every country faces this problem. Some countries are able to limit it, particularly in developed countries. However, in some countries they are uncontrollable because the social welfare of the country is not good enough. This essay will argue that the government should distribute subsidies to some people who are able to work, but cannot find a job to reduce economic problems, improve the living standards of the unemployed, and even reduce crime. Unemployment basically means people with no job seekers. “The unemployed are people who are able, available and willing to work at the current wage but cannot find a job despite an active job search” (Riley, 2012). Unemployment occurs when there is an expansion in demand rates as economic growth declines and layoffs begin to increase due to an economic depression (Hardman, 1999). High unemployment rates are the main obstacle that is damaging social development as a whole. When many people are unemployed, companies do not have capable people to handle the work. Moreo......middle of paper......and high education. Obviously everyone needs money to cover basic expenses: food and family expenses. This article indicates that financial help from the unemployment insurance, coming from the parliament, is a way to solve the depression, accelerate the development of the economy and reduce crime in the country. These subsidies that the government gives to unemployment basically come from the taxes and incomes of the country's workers. The benefits from spending subsidies and unemployment benefits are more important. Therefore, the government should focus on the impacts aimed at reducing the level of unemployment. On the contrary, there are negative outcomes on the distribution of wages, which lead to inequality between employed and unemployed workers and can create incompetent workers. More importantly, it manages many budgets and unemployment rates will increase in the future.