Topic > MGMT 101 300221556 - 1206

Describe the strategic management process. In strategically planning his next move, what decision choices between alternative courses of action should Ethan Williams, the new director of TATI, consider to establish the Tasman Arts Training Institute's competitive advantage? The Tasman Arts Training Institute (TATI) is a private training institute in Nelson, New Zealand. It is one of the best-known schools in the community and there are many professional and successful artists who teach courses at TATI, giving it a reputation for progressive quality. However, TATI is currently facing financial difficulties due to low student numbers. Therefore, the Trust recently hired a new director, Ethan Williams, to address this issue. Ethan must have good strategic management and decision making to solve these problems and transform TATI into a viable and successful organization. In this essay, the strategic management process and next move in TATI will be briefly described. Strategic management is the process of formulating and implementing strategies in organizations. Strategy formulation is the first strategy in strategic management, which is the process of creating strategy and which involves evaluating existing strategies, developing new strategies and strategic plans. The second strategy in strategic management is called strategy implementation, which is the process of allocating resources and implementing strategies. In formulating the strategy, Ethan must identify and analyze TATI's mission. The current mission will be to resolve financial issues and develop a sustainable growth strategy for TATI to become a successful training institution in New Zealand. Ethan can use SWOT analysis to analyze the external and... central strategy of the document... which offers better or even innovative products in the market. For example, Ethan can introduce the 3D printer to TATI so that students can produce new products and sell them in the TAT retail showroom. Bottom line, if Ethan wants to solve the financial problems at TATI, he will have to develop a sustainable growth strategy to generate revenue outside of student fees. After analyzing the external and internal environment, it was indicated that there is a potential market for a retail showroom, which focuses on the international and tourism market. TATI is expected to move in this direction in the future. Ethan can also use competitive advantage, such as differentiation strategy and cost leadership strategy, to compete with other competitors. Using this strategic management process, TATI will be one of the successful and competitive training institutes in the world.