The ruling given by the Labor Court was biased from the company's perspective and not on behalf of an employee. The judgment expressed could affect current employees in many ways such that other employees may become unmotivated to work, workers may feel insecure about their jobs, and employees may even feel unnecessary. Employees might feel demotivated at work because they will start to feel worried if they are injured anyway and are unable to do their job effectively, the company would also exclude workers medically; and because of this the employees may feel demotivated and the company's production may also decrease. Not only will employees who may feel insecure about their jobs start to look for other jobs in other companies because they feel that the current company's employees will not like them if they are unable to do their jobs, in case if they do they are involved in accidents that could compromise their work. For all these reasons, the company could also be seriously affected if its employees started to react badly after the Labor Court ruling was decided