Data Analysis: Figure 1 in Appendix 4 shows that the Howick Falls area is the main reason why people visit Howick as it attracts 52% of tourists . This information shows us that the Howick Falls area is an economically viable destination because it attracts the greatest number of tourists and these tourists are the ones who then bring income to local businesses and create employment for people who then reduce the poverty level of the small city . We see that Umngeni area, which includes Howick Falls, attracts many tourists because the secondary research article obtained from Umngeni local government in Appendix 2 states that Umngeni area is a leading and rapidly growing economic development in South Africa. This means that Howick Falls has created financially or economically viable opportunities for locals due to its ability to attract many tourists. This statement is demonstrated by the 2014 visitor survey conducted by the Friends of the Falls in Appendix 4 Table 1.3 because it shows us that many people generally visit the Howick Falls area. For example, the month of February saw an average of 15,995 people visit Howick Falls, which is a large sum of tourists in a single month. However, on the other hand, the results of this question show us that the Howick Falls area is not the only thing attracting people to Howick because there are many other facilities such as the Mandela Capture site that could attract people. Even if such aspects arise, the question proves my hypothesis that Howick Falls area is an economically viable eco-tourism destination because it attracts many tourists which results in economic development and Howick Falls is a natural location which makes it an eco destination -tourism......halfway......the results indicate that 40 people are employed in formal activities and around 14 by informal businesses. This therefore means that more people earn more money and have better living conditions, which shows us the economic development from the falls. Aside from the fact that fewer people actually pay the government's income, which reduces the burden on the government, which means more money is spent on economic development. Finally, the seventh question shows us that only 2 companies experienced crimes and burglaries. This will then encourage more businesses to locate their operations there, which will bring in more taxes and create more jobs. As the area is crime free, more tourists will also want to spend the night in Howick waterfalls which will see more money spent in the place and all this is an economic growth for Howick, due to the waterfalls..