Directed and produced by Jeremy Earp and Sut Jhally, narrated by Julian Bond, "Hijacking Catastrophe: 9/11, Fear & the Selling of American Empire " " is an enlightening sixty-eight minute unrated documentary, released in 2004 by the Media Education Foundation. The film sheds light on the relationship between 9/11 and the invasion of Iraq before the attack on the World Trade Center. Just like every other film or documentary, this film carries a message; Hijacking Catastrophe provides a concise analysis that convinces the audience to take a second look and interpret the connection overall it is an insightful documentary, full of opposition against the Bush administration. with interviews with significant figures full of compelling arguments, Hijacking Catastrophe takes its viewers on a journey to discover all the mistakes made by the Bush administration and radical neoconservatives to increase fear and persuade the American public to declare war on what they called "terror". This documentary aims to portray the political corruption caused by the Bush administration. administration and the radical right-wing neoconservatives. For this reason, the film includes many strategies to help the audience understand the suspected relationship. For starters, the documentary begins with Herman Goring's powerful quote: “The people can always be brought to the orders of the leaders. That's easy. All you have to do is tell them they're being attacked and denounce the peacemakers. of patriotism and exposing the country to danger,” This quote explicitly means that George W. Bush along with the neoconservatives lied to make the American public react in a certain way that they had planned for their own hidden reasons. In my opinion but......middle of paper......a man determined to achieve absolute power at the cost of the tragedies of war. The film works productively by featuring interviews, showing news footage and harrowing images of post-war Iraq. It specifically demonstrates how the Bush administration provoked the media to convince the American people to support the "war on terror" by creating non-existent fear. It offers interviews and documentaries that show the hidden motivations of the Bush administration kept secret from the American public, such as gradually expanding the country's power through the expansion of military spending and power to maintain global hegemony. Finally, if someone attributes the war between America and Iraq to terrorism and has not seen this documentary, they are wrong to some extent, so it is full of vital facts but with less irony, sarcasm and prejudice than Fahrenheit. 9/11.