One person dies every six seconds from a tobacco-related illness, which translates to a shocking ten deaths per minute. Tobacco is one of the most widely used addictive products in the United States. Tobacco contains over 4,000 chemicals; approximately 250 are dangerously harmful to humans. Smoking is a serious public health problem. All smokers are at increased risk for lung cancer, cardiovascular problems, and many other ailments. Smoking should be banned due to the numerous health risks for those who use it, diseases linked to passive smoking and excessive costs. Cigarette manufacturers know that nicotine addiction helps sell their products. Nicotine is the main addictive ingredient in tobacco. Nicotine activates the parts of the brain that control feelings and pleasure. It only takes a few minutes for the effects of nicotine to disappear, forcing the smoker to take another puff to continue feeling good. (Junior Scholastic, 2006) When using tobacco products, nicotine is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream. Within 10 seconds of entering your body, nicotine reaches your brain. It causes the brain to release adrenaline, generating a buzz of pleasure and energy. However, the effect wears off quickly and leaves you feeling tired, a little down and wanting to feel the effect again. This will result in another cigarette being lit. Since your body is able to develop a high tolerance to nicotine, you will have to smoke more and more cigarettes to receive the pleasant effects of nicotine and overcome withdrawal symptoms. This cycle will continue to repeat causing addiction. Although for many, once they get to this point, it seems almost impossible to quit smoking even when they want to. ("Adding nicotine and tobacco... center of document... fact sheet/Tobacco/ETSSmokers costs employers thousands more than non-smokers - WebMD. (n.d.). Retrieved from http:// /smoking-cessation/news/20130604/smokers-cost-employers-thousands-more-than-nonsmokersNicotine and tobacco addiction Be Tobacco (nd). .gov/health-effects/nicotine-health/index.htmlTobacco NIDA for Teens (nd. fact/tobaccoBanning Cigarettes (nd.) Retrieved from Tobacco Smoking | Radiation Protection |. radiation/sources/tobacco.htmlWhat is Nicotine - Medical News Today (n.d.).