Patients undergoing chemotherapy have difficulty controlling vomiting, but in today's use marijuana helps in controlling nausea. As ganja continues to impact their economy, Robert Randall, president of the Alliance for Cannabis Therapeutics, smoked ganja for his glaucoma and called it a miracle drug. Two scientists conducted experiments to determine which ganja constituents were responsible for marijuana's anti-glaucoma effects. Dr. West and Lockhart were honored for formulating a ganja-based medicine that helps lower intraocular pressure without any of the side effects caused by other treatments. In 1983, the Jamaican government granted them a new pharmaceutical certification for Canasol. "Two new ganja products have recently been developed: Asmasol (a drug used to treat asthma, coughs and colds) and Cantimol (which also contains Canasol), and is a more potent drug used in the treatment of glaucoma ." (Boekhout van Solinge) Marijuana has also been used in its liquid form for therapeutic purposes. Ganja tea is used to strengthen the immune system and fight fever and