Topic > The Effect of Media on Adolescents - 1387

In today's society, media is one of the most crucial aspects of life for most people, especially adolescents. The average teenager interacts with their parents for only ten minutes, but receives one hundred and eighty minutes of media exposure per day (Heubeck). Beyond just teenagers, all people use media in everyday life, whether watching TV, reading a newspaper, talking on the phone, accessing social media sites or listening to the radio. A person's body image largely depends on what the media exemplifies as the “perfect body.” Being surrounded by the media all day, any day anyone could fall victim to the effects produced by the media. Although accepting more normal body types has become a recent trend, the media creates a negative effect on a person's body image by increasing dissatisfaction with appearance, obsession with appearance, and unhealthy actions taken to follow along to the crazy ideals that are established. idealizes bodies that are unconventional compared to average, normal, healthy women. A common standard of female beauty is thinness thanks to advertisements and magazines that constantly put that particular attribute of the female body under the spotlight. Teen People magazine conducted a survey that found that 27% of girls felt the media pressured them to have what the media deemed a "perfect body" (Eating Disorders: Body Image and Advertising). Every woman at some point in her life feels some sort of insecurity about her appearance, whether it's her body, face, hair, or even her nails. For women, being considered beautiful or perfect is something that many would like or even strive for. to be. A common standard for the female body, according to......half of the newspaper......Huffington Post. Network. May 21, 2014.valeria-lukyanova_n_1444169.html>.Schiffman, Lizzie. "'Human Ken Doll' Justin Jedlica's Dream Home Is Now TrumpTower." About DNA Chicago. and Web. May 27, 2014.bambola-ken-umana-justin-jedlicas-dreamhouse-is-now-trump-tower>.Tran, Miribel. “The Effect of Social Media in Young Girls.” Huffington Post April 21. 2014: n. page Huffington Post. Network. May 6, 2014.the-effect-of-social-medi_b_5161886.html>.Whiteman, Honor. “Social Media: How Does It Really Affect Our Mental Health and Wellbeing?” Medical news today. MediLexicon International, 16 April 2014.Web. May 6, 2014.275361.php>.