Choice Essay (1)When choosing your social structures, you must decide whether for people's rights, social conditions, or sovereignty. Both Locke and Marx had similar views when it came to the consent of the people. People want to be free and less oppressed by their superiors and so anyone in between would be a problem for their society. According to Locke they were the monarchs and aristocrats of the world, while for Marx it was the bourgeoisie. The difference between Locke and Marx would be that they have a different conclusion about the nature of human beings and the desires of the consenting public. Both of these views are in stark contrast to that of Machiavelli and his defense of imperialism. Marx might argue that Locke's position on human rights is too utopian and would only push the bourgeoisie to become more prosperous and thus further antagonize the workers. The human rights philosophies formulated by these three all came from different eras and their views certainly reflect this issue. To begin with, it should be argued that the different views of Locke and Marx are somewhat similar and how both are very much at odds with Machiavelli's literature. For Locke, humans have a natural right as human beings to be free and that our decisions should be based on our desires and “not be under the legislative authority of man” (Locke, 17). As Locke says, the foundation of which man is made is “self-evident” and we have an “obligation to love one another” (9). He would argue that there are some natural agreements that should not be violated and protected before any mutual agreement because we have an obligation to love ourselves and our freedom. Likewise Mar...... middle of the paper ...... should be of the people for the people while Marx believes in a communism of the people for the nation. Machiavelli believes that the governed should have the right to rebel if they are not happy, but ultimately they need to be made happy by the monarch. Locke would consider Machiavelli to be a supporter of absolutism while Marx would consider Locke to be a supporter of modern capitalism. The three views are quite similar and very different in themselves and are very relevant to the times when they try to instill the philosophy of rights for the needs of society. Works Cited Locke, John. The Second Treatise on Civil Government. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 1986. Print.Machiavelli, Niccolò. The prince. New York: Bantam Books, 1981.Marx, Karl and Friedrich Engels. Communist party poster. New York: International Publishers, 1948. Print.