Usefulness of the Theory Human beings and the environment constantly interact and influence each other. Therefore, it is imperative that as an advanced practice nurse (APN) you consider physical, social, cultural, and any other factors that may impact the environment as it relates to the patient. The primary goal of the environmental impact theory on healing is to promote awareness of the environment and its effects on the patient's healing through the use of energy and alteration of the surrounding environment. By positively altering the environment and balancing the flow of energy, the progression of healing can be seen. Rogers defined a human being as a unitary person, irreducible and is an integral part of the environment, while the environment is defined as an irreducible pan-dimensional energy field, with diverse patterns and is an integral part of the environment. human field (George, 2002). Most people perceive their health based on the environment in which they grew up or the environment in which they currently live. Rogers defined the purpose of nursing as promoting "symphonic interaction between the human being and the environment"; Nursing seeks to strengthen the relationship and integrity of the human field and their environment. The nursing profession helps direct and redirect patterns of human and environmental fields with the goal of achieving maximum health potential (George, P. 276, 2002). An APN will incorporate the impact of the environment into healing early in the nursing process; nursing assessment, diagnosis, planning and nursing evaluation. During the assessment all facts and opinions of the patient and the environment will be collected (George, 1985). Individuals' views on health and disease will be considered in... middle of the article ......ournal of Medicine, 76, S66-S69. doi:10.3949/ccjm.76.s2.13George, J. B. (1995). Nursing Theories: The Foundation for Professional Nursing Practice (4th ed.). Norwalk, CT: Appleton & Lange.Malinski, V.M., Barrett, E.A.M., & Phillips, J.R. (1994). Martha E. Rogers: Her Life and Work. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: F.A. Davis Company.Marriner-Tomey, A. (1989). Nursing theorists and their work. St. Louis, MO: The C. V. Mosby Company. Rogers, M. E. (1992). Nursing science and the space age. Nursing Science Quarterly, 5, 27-34. doi:10.1177/089431849200500108Schweitzer, M., Gilpin, L., & Frampton, S. (2004). Care spaces: environmental design elements that impact health. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 10, 71-72. Van Sell, S. L., & Kalofissudis, I. A. (2002). The nursing theory of integrating complexity. E-book. Athens, Greece. ICU web journal.