Boston Patriots led by Sam Adams immediately tagged the assault. All eight soldiers were jailed and tried for murder. Crispus Attucks was shot and killed by William Warren. He fired 2 bullets that went straight into Attucks chest. William Warren was not punished for this incident. In the murder trial of the soldiers who killed five citizens. John Adams yelled Attucks' "Bad Behavior." he continued “Whose appearance was enough to terrify anyone” Twenty years earlier, before any of this happened, William Brown ran an advertisement describing Crispus. William Warren was already looking for him and since he was a runaway slave they killed him. On the fifth night of March, in Boston one of them attacked Crispus Attucks with weapons of force. With a certain gun William Warren loaded gunpowder and two bullets flew towards Crispus allowing him to hit him one on the right breast and the other just below the left pap. He inflicted a fatal wound six inches deep on Crispus. Warren attacked Crispus and then shot him. I chose Crispus Attucks because I had never heard of them and needed something different from Harriet Tubman and Rosa Parks