Topic > A hearing aid to combat my hearing loss - 1057

Having hearing loss can affect both our physical and mental lives. The best way to help most people with hearing loss is to get a hearing aid. In my life I suffer from conductive hearing loss caused by infections and in my case, scar tissue. From third grade until the middle of fifth grade, I had trouble hearing my parents and teachers at school trying to talk to me. I didn't want to hear what they said; therefore, I heard mumbling sounds. I had to try to put words together to try to understand what those around me were saying. My parents noticed that I was having a hard time and that's when I went for a hearing test. The audiologist told me it would be a good idea to get a hearing aid. At first I was hesitant about getting one. I knew nothing about them; furthermore they were for the elderly. I was in fifth grade. I didn't know anyone my age who wore one; however, I needed to get over this fact. I needed it and it was probably one of the few tools that would help me hear. Hearing aids have improved over the last 10 years. They come in many sizes, colors and even new features. My first hearing aid was generic. I had a half-shell hearing aid for my inner ear. I didn't want anyone to see anything. My audiologist showed me several hearing aids and the one that seemed right was the one for the inner ear. Myths and Facts about Hearing Aids states: “There are several different models of hearing aids and all are 'state of the art.' The most important thing is that you buy a hearing aid that meets your hearing loss and listening needs” (2) I didn't know anything about hearing aids, but now that I'm wearing one, they're actually pretty cool. I n... middle of paper... only lost one ear. Since I got my hearing aid, I hear things much better and clearer. Hearing aids are a good device that anyone could have. There are several styles that a person can choose from. Quoted from Hearing Aid Facts: “Everyone's hearing loss and listening needs are different. By working with your hearing aid dispenser, you can determine how much a hearing aid will improve your hearing" (1). Works Cited "Hearing Aid Facts. AVC Hearing Aid Center, Inc. Better hearing made simple. 2010. Web 4 April 2011.“Myths and facts about hearing aids.” American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. 1997-2011. Network. April 2, 2011.“Your Questions About Hearing Aids.” Buy hearing aids.Web. April 18 2011.