That is, the listener does whatever is necessary to obtain the full intended meaning of the speaker's communication (Antariksa, n.d.). When you take a job as an HR manager, active listening skills are unlikely to be one of the job duties listed. While learning this skill is important, it must be practiced. Good active listening skills for an HR manager can transform you into an eminent leader in your career. “The heart of a fool is in his mouth, but the mouth of a wise man is in his heart (Franklin, 1998, p. 24).” Benjamin Franklin said that we must all think before we speak and that our actions speak louder than our words. Works CitedAntariksa, Y. (n.d.). Develop active listening skills. Retrieved from, B. (1998). Benjamin Franklin, wit and wisdom. White Plains, New York: Peter Pauper Press.Hoppe, M. (2006). Active listening: Improve your ability to listen and lead. . Retrieved May 24, 2014, from, S., & DeCenzo, D. (2004, December 3). Best Human Resource Management Website: Excellent HR Tools and HR Presentation Slides - HR ppt - Human Resources