Topic > The Miracle Worker - 537

Helen Adams Keller, at the age of 19 months, became ill with what doctors at the time described as "acute congestion of the stomach and brain", although many people they thought it was scarlet fever or meningitis. When she seemed to improve, her health worsened and she remained blind, deaf and, until many decades later, mute. She fell into a life of darkness and non-communication, becoming extremely distressed and explosive. He would learn, with Annie Sullivan's help, that not even the most disabling disease on the planet can stop you from exploring and learning almost everything about the known and unknown universe. Kate Adams, Keller's mother, was the recently married wife of Captain Arthur H. Keller. Captain Keller had decided to remarry after the death of his first wife, creating a stigma between him and his son, James Keller. As Helen slowly became more violent and lost, Kate became increasingly worried and pushed Arthur to contact an ophthalmologist, an ear and mouth doctor named J. Julian Chisolm. Unfortunately, there was nothing he could do to help Helen, ...