The importance of education“Come on honey, you can do it!” These words have been said to me constantly since I was a child, and the fact that my parents forced these words on me inspired me to achieve everything I am capable of too. In Mexican culture there are many of us who want to learn new things, but there are many of us who instead of helping each other push each other down. With this key fact in mind I push myself to become an educated person with a college degree so I can prove to myself that if you want it you will get it. My family has always been very attentive to education. One of my childhood memories is that of my father telling us "The only great legacy I can leave you is that of your education, because no one will be able to take away what you have learned". My mother also told us that if the day came when we had to leave our husbands for any kind of abuse we would not be left empty-handed as we could support ourselves and our families. With my parents always asking me "how was school today" or attending all (well, not all), but most PTA meetings, they showed me that they care deeply about my future. I want to make them happy and know that they did a good job raising me since education is one of my top priorities. Another top priority that I think influences me is reading, from books about sorcerers to biology or chemistry. Textbooks, (who knew, right?) I love exploring new things and meeting different people. Reading is the key element (I believe) of wisdom as it opens new boundaries to the mind. I remember in fifth grade the new Accelerated Reading program was just starting and the excitement was breathtaking. (Not really but I... halfway through the homework... the homework was last year. In senior year my teacher was called Joanna Schmidt, she inspired us to write a lot of different literary works too. We read a lot of writings Shakespearean works as well as Alice Walker's books, some of the extraordinary stories in which they contained satire and we were asked to identify them in the different books Gulliver's Travels, Brave New World and the film Gattica, were written mainly with interesting satire for me because we had to really use our brains and analyze what the author was trying to convey to us as a reader Now that I am in college I am looking forward to learning new things and I am happy that I have accomplished this so far with a huge amount of hard work, but my race is not over. I want to add more inspirations to my list so that when I get older my children can admire me for the joy of learning I provide them...