The literature on teacher bullying provides no evidence on whether teachers focus on specific targets. However, when looking at the literature on teacher abuse/mistreatment, it is evident that teachers target specific victims. Age For example, Benbenishty and colleagues (2002) found that younger students were more likely to be victimized by teachers. Khoury-Kassabry (2009) found that physical victimization increases with age, suggesting that older students are physically victimized more than younger ones. These differences may be due to the type of victimization. For example, Okoza and colleagues (2011) and Chen and Wei (2011) found that when the teacher emotionally abused students by dominating or terrorizing, older students were the most affected. However, when teachers emotionally abuse students through isolation, younger students were more likely to be victimized than older students. In contrast, Theokilout and Kabitsi (2012) found no age differences between targets of emotional or physical victimization. Therefore, future research should focus on the question of whether tea...