Topic > Non-citizen residents should have the right to vote

The right to vote for non-citizens has become an increasingly controversial topic due to the strong and often controversial opinions of permanent Canadian residents. The ability to vote is one of the most important and valued freedoms afforded to individuals. Although allowing noncitizen residents to vote is often encouraged in order to promote self-justice and immigrant inclusion, opponents argue that it is in a nation's best interest to delay noncitizens' right to vote. According to this statement, by preserving citizens' right to vote, noncitizens would have a social responsibility to actively learn the essential community services and self-directed obligations necessary to earn citizenship. Despite this assertion, non-citizens should be allowed to vote because the right to vote gives immigrants a more welcome chance to contribute to the decision-making processes that take place in the Canadian legislature. As this legislature administers the rights and freedoms of immigrant populations, it would only be fair if immigrants had the right to elect candidates who speak for their best interests. Furthermore, non-citizens should not be denied freedom of speech and By denying them the right to vote, non-citizens tend to feel oppressed, silenced, and ostracized. Most countries like the United States allow non-citizens to vote, and given that Canada publicly embraces the mottos of equality and multiculturalism, it would be in the nation's best interest to allow non-citizens the right to vote. Non-citizens living in Toronto own thirty percent of the residences. When much of the city owns homes, pays taxes, and follows laws passed by agencies and governments, s...... middle of paper /pog100_w14_01/content /_2488288_1/Munro2008.pdf2. Irene Bloemraad. The North American naturalization gap: An institutional approach to acquiring citizenship in the United States and Canada. Retrieved from Rachel Mendleson. (June 12, 2013). Giving noncitizens the right to vote in city elections: The answer to your question. Retrieved from Deborah Black. (May 19, 2013). Should permanent residents be able to vote in municipal elections? Retrieved from