Topic > What are clothes - 969

Clothing: In ancient Egypt, people wore light, loose clothing because it rained little and because of the heat. Women wore long dresses, called Kalasiris, with one or without a shoulder strap, priests wore leather clothes and children did not have to wear anything until the age of six, slaves worked naked otherwise they wore tunic dresses, which were made of linen . Most clothes worn by people in ancient Egypt were made of linen, composed of fibers from flax plants. Truly rich people would have jewelry on their clothes. People walked in slippers, sandals or barefoot. Ancient Egyptians wore jewelry such as the amulet and wore makeup to honor the gods. Horus: Horus was the god of war, sky and protection. He was the son of Isis and Osiris (who were also gods); he was one of the best known gods. He normally had the shape of a falcon, which is why his name Horus means "he who is in the sky". He was one of the rulers of ancient Egypt. He fought with his uncle Seth, because he killed Horus' father. While they were fighting Seth hit Horus in the eye, but Horus still won the battle, and after those days Horus' eye healed; that's why his eye is the symbol of protection and for the people of ancient Egypt he was one of the best known protectors of Egypt. His eye can also mean the moon and the sun. Rhodopi: Rhodopi was a Greek slave, who had been captured since she was a child, she was described as beautiful and her cheeks were blushing roses. She was poor, sad and home sick. He was a kind, easy-going person, always willing to help; she was very happy and happy with what she had even though it wasn't much...half of paper......things sold. Most people traded, as they did not use money; their trade was based on the Deben, which was how people weighed objects. Slaves were sold on the market; they were placed on a stone pulpit, where people made offerings. Courtyard: The courtyard was a large and open room, with huge breathtaking monuments, made of mud, where different things such as festivals and festivals were celebrated. The courtyard means enclosed space. Pharaoh administered justice in the courtyard, listened to the people's complaints and whatever they had to say. It also had historical images that people would have painted long ago. The courtyard was where pharaohs made offerings to the gods and goddesses, which is why various animals were kept there. No one could enter the courtyard, only if something special was happening.