Topic > SWOT of Popular Holdings Berhard - 937

SWOT of Popular Holdings Berhard STRENGTHS The strength of Popular Holdings Berhad is the company's core values. The company's core values ​​are People, Objectivity, Product, Unity, Leadership, Action, Reward and Recognition. According to Popular's first core value, people are their customers, they are their greatest asset. The second core value states that people approach their work positively through proactive participation and open communication. The third core value states that Popular provides its customers with quality products at a reasonable price and the fourth value states that Popular respects its people and promotes teamwork. Leading with commitment, integrity and competence is Popular's fifth core value. The six values ​​will aim for excellence, promoting a culture of quality in our company. Finally, Popular encourages, recognizes and rewards their employees for exemplary performance. The second strength is a strong board of directors with Mr. Chou Cheng Ngok as president and CEO. He earned a master's degree in political science in the United States. The most popular ones have Ms. Lim Lee Ngoh as the Executive Director and CEO of Malaysia operations. Ms Lim holds a Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting, Finance and Business) from the University of New South Wales, Australia. Furthermore, Popular's two independent directors are also very capable of doing their jobs. The strengths of the new product are modern technology, small in size and convenient to carry. With this Pop Card, students won't have to carry heavy books with them when they need to study. They can simply insert a small card into their laptop and read all the contents faster. Besides that, this pop card is also rewritable. This not only saves you the cost of purchasing the book, but is also an environmentally friendly way to save trees. Students can return to any popular outlet for product service. There they can request extra subjects that they would like to have in their Pop Card. On top of that, the increased storage capacity allows users to store much more information in just one piece of paper. Users can find the contents of several books in a single memory card. WEAKNESSES Popular Holdings Berhad's weak point will be its strategic vision. Popular's strategic vision is mostly limited to Asian stores. People focus more on the Asian market than the international market.